
Class of 2028!

Welcome to HIGH SCHOOL!! You are important and you matter as a 9th grader. There are many activities to be a part of and many adventures waiting for you to start! Enjoy your school year by staying focused in your classwork and extracurricular activities. You are in high school now and college might be nowhere in your thoughts but start planning now to avoid the overwhelming feelings in three years. Begin to take challenging classes, attend summer camps for college and the SAT, start thinking about your future and career paths that you are interested in. Talk with professionals in the fields that interest you. Volunteer in your community, church and in sports. Try getting into leadership positions. Try to visit colleges on campus and at college fairs.  Above all, enjoy your 9th-grade year! Remember, your character is important! Stay positive. 

This is a place where you can look for important Freshmen information and updates you might need to know. If you cannot find what you are looking for here, please reach out to College Counselor at the school.